6 SURE-Shot Productivity Killers & How to tame the Productivity Dragon?
We are Inside YOUR Office: NO matter what the question is? The answer is most likely going to be PRODUCTIVITY. Whether it is: How can I get more done? How can I achieve my targets, and actually overshoot them? How can I find my way …
How I became HYPER Productive in 5 Simple Steps?
“Hey! I know you are finding it tough to focus and be productive nowadays!” This is what my boss told me after a monthly review meeting. I nodded with a smile, just to play safe. After all, we are a long way to …
03 Mindset Shifts for Getting Things Done like a Pro.
Look around, in the middle of all the chaos, confusion and row of cubicles – there exists a rare breed. The Breed of DOERS – the Ones who are: Able to put chaos and confusion to rest, and Mine in the solutions even when the …