Why do We love getting distracted and How to reclaim your focus?
You were a kid when you were made to learn and remember that the magic lies outside.You need a fairy godmother, a magic wand, or be the chosen one to really be the CHOSEN ONE. So you could have the superpowers (flying, going invisible, being …
6 SURE-Shot Productivity Killers & How to tame the Productivity Dragon?
We are Inside YOUR Office: NO matter what the question is? The answer is most likely going to be PRODUCTIVITY. Whether it is: How can I get more done? How can I achieve my targets, and actually overshoot them? How can I find my way …
How I became HYPER Productive in 5 Simple Steps?
“Hey! I know you are finding it tough to focus and be productive nowadays!” This is what my boss told me after a monthly review meeting. I nodded with a smile, just to play safe. After all, we are a long way to …
4 Power Routines that can help Save your day and make you more Productive !
The world is made up of just two kinds of people, Top performers and others. The difference between Top performers and others boils downs to What they do daily. So goes the old adage – ” You cannot change something about your life, if you …